Behind App - Olapa Design Agency

Our agency was entrusted with full responsibility for the project, managing every aspect from initial concept through to final delivery. We meticulously designed a user-centric product tailored to meet both market demands and the specific needs of the client. Accessibility was at the forefront of our approach, ensuring the product was inclusive and easy to use for all. Throughout the process, we followed an agile methodology, incorporating multiple design sprints. Each sprint culminated in detailed client feedback sessions, allowing us to fine-tune the product and maintain alignment with the client’s evolving vision.
Reduced recruitment process time by 50%.
Increased worker satisfaction by 40%.
Over 200 employers onboarded within the first 6 months.
In Buenos Aires there’s 19.125 hospitality venues, and 60% of them are located within 6 neighbourhoods.
90% of the venues in Buenos Aires manifest having lack of staff, and struggling to find freelance or temporary employees for two reasons: the recruiting/hiring process takes too much time and resources, and lack of trained staff available.
To link employers that are looking to hire freelance staff with employees searching for casual shifts, easing the hiring process.
An app works as a recruitment agency verifying profiles and experience, and provides tutorials to train staff. Employers publish their search (position, day, time, level of experience, outfit, location), and pay a fee each time they have a successful experience.
"End of the year: hiring increases 10%.This year there’s -50% staff available than last year. Bookings and revenue are -25% due to lack of staff. After COVID, unemployed hospitality workers changed industries. People don’t want to get a job ‘on the books’ to not loose government subsidies. There’s staff available but not trained."
VISIT“Freelancing can be a positive bridge towards a successful career path, it gives young people a first work experience, helps them finding their vocation and generate extra income for their families”
VISITWhat’s the feedback they are getting from users? This helps us to better understand the needs that are not being met in the market.
Zonajobs and Indeed don’t have a filter for casual work, and the access to filters and offers is not clear.
Baristas on tap is limited to baristas, doesn’t have many functionalities and doesn’t let you see the rating of baristas.
Most of the searches for casual staff are made by recruitment agencies, there’s no link to the company until later in the process.
They were validated with 5 interviews, which provided deeper insight of the users.
Julia works for a company that provides a bar service for events. She loves the lifestyle working in hospitality. She’d love to travel more, and create a system to ease the work flow and be able to turn off her phone and disconnect after 6pm.
She would be an ideal user because she spends a lot of time trying to attract casual staff, interviewing them, checking availability, closing dates for events, handling last minute absences, looking for replacements.
Pablo opened his cafe 2 yrs ago, after the pandemic. He’s hired 4 employees, and has someone he calls on weekends or to cover shifts. He searches staff on Bumeran, going to other cafes (when he sees someone he likes offers an interview), through employees, or a Barista group on whatsapp.
Pablo would be an ideal user of the app because he’s looking for trained staff to cover casual shifts that he can contact last minute and live nearby.
We analyzed the competition and found their strengths and weaknesses.
They help us validate our proto personas and get a better understanding of our users.
Interviews with people in hospitality in charge of hiring employees.
Say they are frustrated by the lack of commitment.
Pay attention to the personality and image, they hire people that they find interesting. Prefer young, with little experience and moldable employees.
Utilising Optimal Workshop, we got a more accurate definition of the content of each screen and got a better idea of the user’s mental map.
After the card sorting we organised the content for the user to follow the happy path. The architecture was iterated through the process and here we can see both the initial and final.
To better design the experience, we explored the paths the user can follow to accomplish the task.
We decided the Home screen is the main functionality, to Book, and based our design on #6: lists with information being displayed in order so that the form can be completed successfully. For screens with cards, #2 was chosen.
After the validation process:
After the validation process:
After the validation process:
We analyzed the color contrasts through aiming for AAA, to make sure they are accessible to the majority of the population.